All posts by Pierre

[data orgy] Visualizing the internet (and Social media) – again

After collecting a few links during my week end, I wanted to share with you some of the jewels I’ve seen during my random digital wanderings. Definitely, data visualization is on the rise.

Chef’s menu for today :

  • Visualizing the top100 websites : convenient to know what people visit and where the traffic goes
  • Mashable’s state of the twittersphere, on a graphic
  • 33 data visualization about Internet, Social Media and their usage
  • The social media effect in 1 graph
  • The size of the mobile market
  • The story of the evolution of email.

Continue reading [data orgy] Visualizing the internet (and Social media) – again

How to find the number of website related to a specific topic

Monica Li from the Hong Kong office asked the following question to the global social media team alias via email :

Turner Regional Head of Interactive Media just asked me:

If you wanted to measure how many websites are dedicated to Tom and Jerry in the world, how would you go about doing it?

My suggestions:

· Check Technorati to see what’s tagged Tom and Jerry

· Go to Tom and Jerry fan site and see links

· Do a Facebook fan page search for Tom and Jerry

Can you think of others?

The discussion was quite interesting – therefore, here is the compilation of all answers around here :

Continue reading How to find the number of website related to a specific topic

Embargo – still a delicate matter

I’ve seen this video on 2 or 3 different blogs these days, so I decided to share it with you. Again, it’s about the delicate matters of Embargo. Most of you probably reminds the previous embargo crisis in the past (and I’m not talking about Cuba) : see the previous conversations related to embargo on the Dblog

The video hereunder. Warning for the explicit language 🙂

Continue reading Embargo – still a delicate matter

Powerpoint stand up style

I’m pretty sure you already know this video. If not, take 5 seconds of your time, and ask yourself if you never did any of the mistake during the video. Learn by example …
After watching at the video hereunder, feel free to have a look at previous (excellent) powerpoint recommendations we made on this very platform a few weeks ago.

Continue reading Powerpoint stand up style

Die, email, die !

OK, I will not compare email to Internet Explorer 6 (the title of this blog post is actually based on the famous motto of web developers crying for years after IE6). But truth is that the situation isn’t that far. In the vast majority of many of organizations (including ours), email is

a/ not correctly used

b/ not appropriate

At the age of multimedia and social collaboration, our old email system (the first email has been sent in the middle of the 60’s) seems a bit behind … Between mobile web, social networks, web applications and rich media on the web, email seems kind of old fashion at some point. Not because it’s cool to use new tools … but simply because it’s not (or badly) appropriate to new usage.

So, next time you think about writing a long email, make sure to read this first :

A popular idea exists among software developers that we call the DRY principle, which stands for Don’t Repeat Yourself. When we’re implementing a piece of functionality in one place and then find that we need the same piece of functionality in another place within the code we’re writing, the best practice is to write the code once and make it accessible to the entire application/website/whatever. There are several reasons this is a good idea, but the big two are that the more times you type some thing, the more likely you are to make a mistake and typing the same thing twice is a waste of time and effort. Same is true with email. I can’t count the number of occasions I’ve described the difference between client- and server-side scripting to coworkers and curious barroom chums. My brother has been asked how badly tattoos hurt many, many times. Part of being an “expert” is sharing that knowledge with other people, right?

Of course, I don’t really want email to die … And I really think it will take another bunch of years before new experimentations such as google wave or global social networks will finally emerge ..

But if, as social media specialist, can use it in a more efficient way, it could just make our life easier 🙂

PS : apparently, the use of email is declining in new generations(51% only of people between 18-25 years in the UK regulary uses email – 98% among the 65 years old) sorry, the article is in French :,9140.html

Which social network for me – Social network 101

The geniuses of Lifehacker wrote a cool piece of articles describing the difference and the usage between the major Social Networks (they choose Facebook, Twitter and Buzz). Of course, there is tons of other social networks over there, each of them having specific way of working and on specific locations and geographic zone. But this article offers a good view on the differences between each networks and how it works.

Check it out 🙂

Continue reading Which social network for me – Social network 101

Data orgy, week end edition – everything about Google

In the mind of many internet users, Internet = Google. It says a lot about the size of Google and its impact on the web (and also on the ignorance of some users :)Everything related to google should be interesting for any people interested in working at some point with the web (and of course, with social media).

This week end I had a couple of interesting reading I wanted to share :

  • A crazy infographic about stats of Google
  • A detailed article about how Google’s algorythms work (on wired)

Continue reading Data orgy, week end edition – everything about Google

Dashboard building – best practices

Some of our clients currently asks us for Dashboard solutions for Monitoring purposes. Here is a bunch of good practices for building such tools.

What is it :
A web page build by the agency with a selection of RSS feeds to help the client to get a view on what is said about him, the challengers, inside the main media targets on the web.

Benefits for the client :
Bring an immediate view on relevant information directly impacting the business of the client

Recommended tools :

I recommend the use of welcome page such as Netvibes.
Easier to understand for beginners, uses tabs, with a clean and slick ajax interface

Other tools available :

Which RSS feeds to include :

  • I first recommend to use rss feeds from search engine to track what is said about a specific client / challenger
  • Search from Google News – you can choose to display the news limited to a language / country. Be sure to display the news ranked by date (not relevancy). An RSS feed is dynamically created on such page.
  • Search from Google blog search – works exactly like Google News – as an alternative, Twingly is definitely a good solution to look at, especially if you have issues with spam on blogs (splogs).
  • Search from Twitter : you can track keywords on Twitter based on the language. But since many people uses english on Twitter, it is often more relevant to filter the Twitter search based on the geography. Define for example the center of a country (For example, the center of France would be around Clermont-Ferrand – you’ll just have to indicate the distance to the FR boundaries – around 600 km).

Keywords :
As always, it’s all about the keywords and their relevancy.

  • If you’ll choose a keyword too wide, the number of irrelevant results will lead to too much data. If it’s too narrow, not enough
  • Using operator (for instance “security” AND “Technology” OR “IT”) might help to narrow down the number of results and lead to better insights.
  • Again, the use of inverted commas ” ” is definitely the top trick to use for such searches.

Additionnal resources

Any other feedback or experience to share is more than welcome 🙂

[EDITED] Some Text 100 references

Following Jeremy’s request, some additionnal references :