Category Archives: Social media demographics

ComScore: Social Universe Still Quickly Expanding [STUDY]

Social platforms are still in their Precambrian era, with new services emerging and consolidating large audiences almost faster than they can be tracked. Meanwhile the social category as a whole is on the cusp of becoming the dominant form of online content, accounting for 16.6 percent of Internet minutes spent as 2011 drew to a close.

via ComScore: Social Universe Still Quickly Expanding [STUDY].

50 Social Media Stats to Kickstart Your Slide Deck

etc, etc …

“Social media accounts for one out of every six minutes spent online in US.” (

2. “Seventy-seven percent report that they use social media to share their love of a show; 65% use it as a platform to help save their favorite shows; and 35% use it to try to introduce new shows to their friends.” ( study via

3. “Facebook users are overall more trusting than non-internet others. Pew reported, 43% of survey participants were more likely than other internet users to feel that most people can be trusted.” (Pew Internet via Social Media Club)

4. “22% of all grandparents in the UK are using social networks, according to Mashable. The study, which collected results from 1,341 grandparents from the UK, showed that 71% of grandparents who use a social network use Facebook, 34% are on Twitter and 9% use the business social network LinkedIn.” (Mashable via Social Media Today)

via 50 Social Media Stats to Kickstart Your Slide Deck | Ad Age Stat – Advertising Age.

[data orgy] Visualizing the internet (and Social media) – again

After collecting a few links during my week end, I wanted to share with you some of the jewels I’ve seen during my random digital wanderings. Definitely, data visualization is on the rise.

Chef’s menu for today :

  • Visualizing the top100 websites : convenient to know what people visit and where the traffic goes
  • Mashable’s state of the twittersphere, on a graphic
  • 33 data visualization about Internet, Social Media and their usage
  • The social media effect in 1 graph
  • The size of the mobile market
  • The story of the evolution of email.

Continue reading [data orgy] Visualizing the internet (and Social media) – again