Category Archives: Social networking

Data orgy – visualizing the 6 year growth of Facebook

Facebook just celebrated its 6th birthday, and Mashable just picked up an outstanding Infographic about the Facebook growth the last 6 years.

Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004 and has come a long way from a Harvard-only networking site in the intervening years. In fact, Facebook has undoubtedly become the world’s largest social network, with over 400 million users worldwide and more than 900 employees. Let’s take a closer look at what kinds of numbers and user activity this growth translates to.

Click on the picture for high res version.

Facebook page creations – some learnings

I’ve been working on the Facebook page of one of the UK office client. They already have a strong social media presence (through their twitter account) but would like to create a real community. And Facebook page are helpful for that 🙂 I’d like to share a few learning from about the creation of a Facebook page.

The reasons

First of all, if you still ask yourself why a facebook page and the difference with a facebook group :

And if you ask why it’s great for a client to have a facebook page :

– SEO – the facebook page rapidely sits at the top of the Google results

– Community – you gather people with all their info under your mouse

– Statistics – you’ve got amazing statistics about your followers from the page. But really amazing (cities, tastes, connections, preferences, etc, etc)

– Plus it’s free …

Page creation

If you’re reluctant to create a Facebook page with your own facebook profile, you can create a client facebook profile. Careful : you’ll have to dig in the profile privacy settings to withdraw the profile from the facebook search, otherwise it might create confusion with the facebook page.

Facebook pages always have the same structure : A wall, an info tab, an image profile, boxes tab and notes. The first step : put an image on the page, a name, and some basic background info

Bring some content inside

You can publish images, synchronize the notes with any rss feed (a blog RSS feed is perfect :), write additional notes, share videos, launch conversations and invite people to be part of your new page.


All facebook page are very lookalike … yet there is some personnalization possibilites. My favourites ones :

1/ create a personnalized page (with some basic HTML)

2/ change the homepage of the facebook page

3/ add more information on the facebook page (add rss boxes with your twitter feeds, friendfeed feed, etc, etc)

4/ add more info to the basic standard facebook page info

And for those who know how to deal with flash : embed a flash animation.

The tools to help you :

Publicize the page

Talk about your page, add it to your social media profile, indicate it on your client website, and ask to embed a fanbox facebook page.

More info about the fanbox facebook page :

Create a community

Creating and communicating about the page was the technical part. Now is the community management part – dedicate resource to invite people to become fans, and give them reasons to become fans.

Deliver exclusive news, allow them to discuss with VIP spokespeople, create challenges, contests, etc …

Tool to help you create a facebook contest :

To conclude, some useful advices how to run a great facebook page :

Anyone has experience to share ?

Connection time 08

Hello everybody

Sorry, but due to a bad manipulation, the original post has been deleted, as well as the comment from James. I restored as much as I could 🙂

You’ll find hereunder an idea we would like to set up for early september. If you want to comment, do not hesitate.

Jordan asked me how many people from Text100 I know on Delicious. I realized that I had some account in mind for France but really not that much, especially with our US / APAC / EMEA colleagues from the peer media team.

The same for twitter – I found some text100 contact on twitter, but it’ not all the time easy.

So, here is the idea : launching a mail chain with the topic “Peer media team connect campaign” (or something like that) to encourage people to share their social media presence during a limited time period (2 weeks).
Blog, twitter, delicious, digg, website, linkedin, friendfeed, facebook, flickr, youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, google reader, etc, etc – any social media thing that people would be willing to share and that could link us with each other …
All the information could then be gathered somewhere on sharepoint at the end.

And I even rapidely drafted a banner for that to include to the email 🙂

Suzanne Smith recommended to wait people to come back from holidays before launching it, but I would like first to get your opinion.

Pierre from Paris