The Future of Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Google+

Digital agency Beyond released the study for Social Media Week, along with the below infographic. Beyond makes six predictions about where sharing is headed based on the responses of 2,000 social media users in the U.S. and UK, between ages 16 and 40, who are active on either Twitter, Facebook or Google+. Among those users, 98% were active on Facebook, 60% of whom log in several times daily.

First, sharing to selective lists — the Google+ Circles model — is on the rise. While only 40% of social media users have grouped their friends and followers into lists, the concept appeals to 62% of users.

Second, frictionless sharing — Spotify songs shared to Facebook, for example — is on the rise. Some 67% of social media users have allowed an app to post to their profile, listened to a song that was automatically shared to their profile or read an article that was automatically shared to their profile.

Third, discounts and giveaways will spur sharing of branded content. People are more willing to share content if there are incentives. Some 60% of social media users say they would opt to post about a product or service if they were offered a discount or deal.

via The Future of Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

An ad exec’s wise warning about social media – Fortune Features

There was a time when corporations could merely say, “We’re green,” and consumers, not yet as scrutinizing as they are today, or perhaps simply less equipped to check up on corporate claims, would believe it. For corporations, those days probably feel like a lost Eden. “We help the environment,” Mega-Conglomerate X would announce, and Consumers Y & Z would smile and nod, and be duly impressed, and lo, it was good (for the companies, anyway).

Now those days are gone, and big businesses can’t just talk the talk, but must walk the socially responsible walk. Such is the argument of Who Cares Wins, a new biz book and pseudo CSR manual by David Jones, CEO of the French advertising giant Havas.

via An ad exec’s wise warning about social media – Fortune Features.

5 Essential Spreadsheets for Social Media Analytics

Social media analytics and tracking can be very time-consuming and expensive. You’ll find quite a few smart social media monitoring tools, but what if you can’t afford them?

That’s why many social media marketers and power users are in constant search of free, efficient alternatives. Here, we’ll share a few ready-made spreadsheets you can copy (navigate File + Make a copy) and use for social media analytics. They are free, highly customizable and extremely easy to use.

Most of the scripts that run the spreadsheets are “public,” meaning you can access them from the Tools + Script Gallery menu (this also means they were reviewed and approved by Google Spreadsheets team).

via 5 Essential Spreadsheets for Social Media Analytics.

20/20 Hindsight: 30-Day Replay for Twitter Now Available

Imagine you run a consumer electronics company. You just launched a game-changing new smartphone that will make or break your company. Two weeks after the launch, you’re hearing stories about your new phone burning users while they’re using it. You see the odd Tweet here and there but aren’t sure what the scale of this problem is or how you should respond. You make a panicked call to the company who monitors social media for you and they tell you that they can start tracking for this going forward but since they only get a realtime stream of Twitter data, there’s nothing they can do to get the last 14 days worth of Tweets.

They would love to help, but there’s nothing they can do about it. In a realtime world, once the stream of Tweets has passed, they’re gone.

Until today, this was how the world worked.

via Gnip Blog.

4 Characteristics of a Winning Social Enterprise Strategy

The value of the social enterprise is simple. It allows customers to get closer to their favorite brands, offers them a voice when they have something to say (good or bad) and encourages them to make better buying decisions. For companies, it magnifies the voice of the customer, allows them to identify macro trends, improve their customer service, maximize sales through new channels and even improve employee satisfaction.

via 4 Characteristics of a Winning Social Enterprise Strategy.

US Consumers Hold Businesses Accountable for Online Privacy – eMarketer

Online privacy continues to be one of the most debated industry issues. One need only note the amount of attention given to Google’s privacy policy changes over the early part of 2012 to discover many of the common sensitivities surrounding this topic.

According to online privacy service provider TRUSTe, just 10% of US adults reported being worry-free regarding their online privacy. Though the level of online privacy concern varied in degree, a large percentage of respondents reported significant unease: 21% worried frequently, and 23% always worried about their digital privacy.

via US Consumers Hold Businesses Accountable for Online Privacy – eMarketer.

B2B Social Media is Huge Part of Content Marketing Explosion | Social Media B2B

The following infographic does both as it focuses its gaze on content marketing.

Many of the stats come from the Content Marketing Institute 2012 study including the following:

90% of B2B marketers use some form of content marketing

60% of B2B marketers plan to increase their content marketing spending in the next 12 months

The most popular content marketing techniques used by B2B marketers are posting articles, social media and blogs

via B2B Social Media is Huge Part of Content Marketing Explosion | Social Media B2B.