Category Archives: journalism

How the NY Times’ social media strategy is evolving

Social media is always in a state of change, and the New York Times is adapting with it, explains the news organization’s social media editor, Liz Heron, at the BBC’s Social Media Summit (video). There are lots of good lessons in here for TV, as well.

Heron says their social media team has grown from one to three people, and the Times’ strategy has evolved over the last few months. “We tell our journalists and encourage them to not just think about it as distribution and promotion,” she said. “In fact, if you just think about it only as distribution, you’re not getting what you can out of social media, the most that you can, which is really about user interaction, engagement and news gathering.”

via How the NY Times’ social media strategy is evolving – Lost Remote.

ASNE’s new social media guidelines

The American Society of News Editors released an outline of 10 best practices for social media this month. For any news person these are all good points to keep in mind — even if you don’t follow them to the letter — as you post and interact on social networking sites. Here are their 10 key takeaways:

  • Traditional ethics rules still apply online.
  • Assume everything you write online will become public.
  • Use social media to engage with readers, but professionally.
  • Break news on your website, not on Twitter.
  • Beware of perceptions.
  • Independently authenticate anything found on a social networking site.
  • Always identify yourself as a journalist.
  • Social networks are tools not toys.
  • Be transparent and admit when you’re wrong online.
  • Keep internal deliberations confidential.

via ASNE’s new social media guidelines – 10,000 Words.