All posts by Pierre

Some Consumers Regret Their Actions on Social Media

FindLaw-Social-Posts-Negative-Impact-July201320% of social media users in the US say they’ve posted something on a social media site that could someday negatively affect an employer’s decision on whether to hire them for a job or allow them to stay at an existing job were they to see it. That’s according to recent survey results from FindLaw, which also discovered that the 25-34 age group was most likely to feel this way. Consumers also regret liking brands, according to a separate survey.

via Some Consumers Regret Their Actions on Social Media.

How Do Consumers Find Out About New Products and Brands?

Ipsos-How-Consumers-Find-Out-About-New-Products-Brands-July2013How are Americans introduced to new products and brands? Most often through TV ads, according to new survey results from Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange. After TV ads, Americans say they’re most likely to learn about new products and brands from friends and family (54%) and on the internet (also at 54%). The results reveal some interesting demographic differences within the US, as well as some intriguing variations between US responses and ones from the rest of the world.

via How Do Consumers Find Out About New Products and Brands?.

US Brand App Users Primarily Looking to Get Discounts

Ipsos-Reasons-for-Using-Brand-Apps-July2013Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange (OTX) has released the results of a multi-country survey examining usage of mobile applications for brands, products, stores or companies. The researchers find that on average, 51% of respondents regularly use such apps, with the main reasons given for doing so being: to keep informed about the brand, product, store or company (43%); and to get discounts and coupons (41%). In the US, though, app users are more motivated by discounts (50%) and comparatively less so by updates (27%).

via US Brand App Users Primarily Looking to Get Discounts.

“Fashionistas” Say Blogs, Message Boards Are Their Top Social Source of Inspiration

NetBase-Social-Influence-Fashionistas-July2013A survey of US adult female social media users who strongly agree with the statement “Fashion and beauty are extremely important to me” fashionistas has found that blogs and message boards are their most influential social property when making buying decisions. The study, commissioned by NetBase, reveals that 62% of fashionistas consult these platforms for inspiration before making a purchase in at least one product category.

via “Fashionistas” Say Blogs, Message Boards Are Their Top Social Source of Inspiration.