All posts by Pierre

Data orgy – visualizing the 6 year growth of Facebook

Facebook just celebrated its 6th birthday, and Mashable just picked up an outstanding Infographic about the Facebook growth the last 6 years.

Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004 and has come a long way from a Harvard-only networking site in the intervening years. In fact, Facebook has undoubtedly become the world’s largest social network, with over 400 million users worldwide and more than 900 employees. Let’s take a closer look at what kinds of numbers and user activity this growth translates to.

Click on the picture for high res version.

Opt in press release against PR spam ? An Inconvenient PR Truth

I’ve just seen a twitter message from a french journalist mentionning a press release he received with Opt in solution – it really impressed him.

Translation: “I received a press release with opt-in (I subscribe / unsubscribe). This is the first time. There is hope !”

I wonder if any of you already expericed such solutions, and what feedback did you get ?

I would tend to find such a solution quite brilliant …

This Twitter message appear just after a video I’ve seen last week

This video is clearly very controversial (see some reactions here :

As underlines some of my colleagues :

“I’m split 30:70 on whether such a campaign is beneficial for journo-PR relationships, or actually quite detrimental in that it’s trying to define a relationship with rules. Some things should be left unsaid, especially in relationships. If journalists have concerns about receiving spam PR e-mail, then they should ask to be removed from lists… PR’s should be diligent in doing so. Simple.”

Of course, I know all the effort at Text 100 to build targetted press list. But the video is also some electrochoc for the rest of the industry. I tend to think that solutions such as opt in + Social media newsroom could be a good way to cleverly push information to the perfect target.

Your opinion ?

The 1 year after disruptionblog survey – the results

We’ve asked you your feedback about the Disruptionblog as a plateform and in term of content to know how to improve the place (and a someone lucky got a fantastic Tshirt 🙂

Only 5% of the people registered on the Disruptionblog actually took the time to answer those questions, but with a lot of very detailed and inspiring suggestions. It’s now time to share them with you 🙂

Sans titre 1All the people that answered seems to be part of the regular readers, using both the website or the RSS feed.

Sans titre 2Even if 75% of the respondant currently are happy with the frequency, only 50% actually read the content.

Sans titre 3It seems that the content is considered as interesting (at least most of the time 🙂 but case studies definitely needs to be shared more often as people claim for them

Sans titre 4Contribution is an issue for the Disruptionblog. And no suprise here : time is a big problem for everybody here 🙂 Note : since the respondant represent very frequent reader of the blog, no surprise they are overweighted in the survey.

Sans titre 5And that’s the same for commenting :S

Sans titre 6Since the design seems to be quite OK, recommendations are always welcome. Weekly newsletter will then come back, and the tag cloud will be less flashy 🙂 As for the cramped homepage, we’ll investigate solutions, but any more specific recommandations are more than welcome.

Sans titre 7Those comments are very interesting. Should you like to add comments and them, feel free to share.


3 seconds conclusion

  • Work on design – email newsletter will come back, we’ll try to simplify the layout, bring up the category, and open a “ask me” section.
  • In term of content – case studies are requested by everybody. Please share !
  • In term of communication – we need to communicate about the platform. Should you have suggestion, feel free to comment 🙂 But in the meantime, spread the word and check on your local offices that everybody currently knows the blog and have access to it 🙂

Any other thought that come to mind ?

Firefox T-Shirt / we’ve got a winner

The almighty gods of ( stated that Sumin from the Singapore office is our happy winner. Sumin, thanks a lot for your feedback for the yearly disruptionblog survey. Please be patient until we send you the (very bueatiful and collector and ultra-geeky) T Shirt to the Singapore Office 🙂

To all the participants. Thanks a lot for your detailed answers, we’ll come back on that later.

Perfect for parading in the office and raise your geek level up ^_^

Twitter stats (again) but in real life

I found today this impressive set of stats about Twitter that give an idea about the massive level of data created by the conversations currently taking place over the platform at this moment. Could be nice to keep in mind when discussing about Twitter with clients (if they ever need to be convinced 🙂

Or just for the pleasure of reading odd figures 🙂

Slow down the growth and let’s discuss – state of the Twittersphere ’10

Let’s face it, Twitter was really the word of year 2010. Maybe even overhyped … And the latest “State of the Twittersphere” by hubspot tends to really balance the craze over Twitter. Less growth, but more engagement … a sign of maturity ? The latest survey shows a few stats, interesting to keep in mind as long as you’ll speak about Twitter. Speaking of stats, let’s keep in mind that
– Twitter users are currently 50 millions, half of them being americans
– has 1.5 million unique visitors (oct 09, comscore)
– 127 500 french (sysomos 2010 jan)


It’s time to update your profile

New feature on the disruptionblog – from now on, each post will display a block of information about its author. For that, that author of the post has to get its gravatar (the avatar image used to identify a blog user) set up and some information entered in its profile.

It’s your chance to showcase yourself and write a few word about your work.

To set up a gravatar :

To enter information about yourself (if you haven’t already done it during the registration process) and edit your profile :

Should you have any question, feel free to shout 🙂

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The disruptionblog – one year after, your feedback + win a Tshirt

It’s been (already) a year since we launched the new version of the disruptionblog on a new plateform with new functionnalities and more contributions. We’d really like to have your feedback about this plateform – is it just a toy, or something that has become important for the vision of our business ? Do you read it often ? Do you contribute to it ? It’s your chance to express yourself, and to win a fantastic and ultra cool Firefox collector TShirt for the 5 years of the browser that will make all your (geeky) colleague jealous. Just leave us your email address on the survey, and we will pick a name randomly among all the participant early january.

The survey is open until january 5th.

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A few stats to share :

  • 641 posts
  • 33241 visits (for a blog with a password, it’s quite an achievement)
  • 192 subscribers
  • 37 wordpress plugins
  • 5 aspirin tabs (for the migration and set up everything)


Want to know what is the level of your team in Social Media ? Ask them

It’ll maybe seems obvious for most of you, but I’ve find it really powerful : I’m in charge for the few weeks for the social media training in the UK office. And to assess the level in Social Media to prepare my training program, I just created a survey, and sent to the team to let them have their own feedback, with very interesting insights and comments. As for me, I used a googledoc form (I find this is a remarkable tool to run surveys). You’ll find hereunder the PDF generated after the survey. And you, have you asked in your office what people expects in term of trainings ?

Sans titre

View the pdf