A super cool video plenty of hipsters and cool looking people … and also asking a few interesting questions about the creation of influence. Definitely a cool video to check out about the creation of influence. Enjoy 🙂
All posts by Pierre
Running a game or a contest ? here is a list of mechanics that works
Hello here is a superb list of tips and tricks about mechanics that works for website and facebook page that want to runs online contest or game.
This list is a collection of game dynamics terms, game dynamics theories that are interesting, useful and potentially applicable to your work. Many of them have clear applications within thesocial media mechanism (progression dynamic, actualization), many of them don’t… yet (status, virtual items). Many of them are just interesting for your general education on game dynamics theory (epic meaning, social fabric of games). Many of these game dynamics concepts are well known
SCVNGR’s Secret Game Mechanics Playdeck.
It has finally happen : We spend more time on social networks than reading emails
After all these years, email may stop reigning like the ultimate communication hub …
It was about time …
Hyves bought by old school traditionnal media company
Hyves is by far the no1 social network in the Netherlands, and has just been acquired by a traditionnal media company. Interesting to see the movement going on here 🙂
Quick twittpol – Will Social Media Overtake Traditional Media as a Primary Tool? (via @text100holland)
Our good friends of Text100 Holland just posted messages to Twittpol with a interesting question. Not too much results, though, but interesting insights and cool tactic / mechanic. Maybe something to keep in mind 🙂
Contact : Ruud Van Lieshout
Facebook: synthesis and uses 2010 figures
Hello Guys here is a quick wrap up of the figures about Facebook in 2010 to pimp up your PPT presentation and shine with client conversations. Enjoy (NB – sorry, it’s translated through Google Translate … don’t be surprise if you have strange sentences 🙂
Article in Google Translate Facebook in 2010, usage and stats.
1. Etats Unis 143 090 140 / +22 223 040 / +15.53% / 46.12% USA 143 090 140 / +22 223 040 / +15.53% / 46.12%
2. 2. Indonésie 29 844 240 / +6 377 660 / +21.37% / 12.28% Indonesia 29 844 240 / +6 377 660 / +21.37% / 12.28%
3. 3. Royaume Uni 27 969 360 / +3 973 180 / +14.21% / 44.86% United Kingdom 27 969 360 / +3 973 180 / +14.21% / 44.86%
4. 4. Turquie 23 129 020 / +2 285 900 / +9.88% / 29.73% Turkey 23 129 020 / +2 285 900 / +9.88% / 29.73%
5. 5. France 19 677 640 / +2 062 980 / +10.48% / 30.38% France 19 677 640 / +2 062 980 / +10.48% / 30.38%
6. 6. Philippines 17 942 340 / +4 758 640 / +26.52% / 17.96% Philippines 17 942 340 / +4 758 640 / +26.52% / 17.96%
7. 7. Italie 17 334 140 / +1 366 940 / +7.89% / 29.84% Italy 17 334 140 / +1 366 940 / +7.89% / 29.84%
8. 8. Canada 16 900 320 / +2 630 860 / +15.57% / 50.06% Canada 16 900 320 / +2 630 860 / +15.57% / 50.06%
9. 9. Mexique 16 792 660 / +5 979 680 / +35.61% / 14.93% Mexico 16 792 660 / +5 979 680 / +35.61% / 14.93%
10. 10. Inde 15 176 240 / +6 298 300 / +41.50% / 1.29% India 15 176 240 / +6 298 300 / +41.50% / 1.29%
Figure of the day – 6%
Just in case you still wonder why it’s so important to be visible on Search Engine … 6% is the share of Google in the global internet traffic … google alone.
[infographics] The venturesome history of web search engines
SEO, SEO, SEO … the mantra of these day on the web deserved a nice infographic. After the cheatsheet we recently posted, here is a nice and cool giant infographic about the story of Search engine. Interesting background info (as always 🙂 http://www.accessoweb.com/photo/2434320-3413581.jpg?v=1287941264
via 2434320-3413581.jpg Image JPEG, 633×4544 pixels.
All the SEO technics in one image
I know we have outstanding SEO Trainings around at Text, but here is a one page reminder cheatsheet to keep in mind when talking about SEO.
Les techniques de référencement en une image | WebActus.
And yes, it’s in English 🙂
Superb flashmob involving MP3 – improv everywhere
Really nice flashmob in the street of NYC by Improv Everywhere – how to remote control crowd with MP3. Impressive. And food for thought for creative client ideas.