All posts by Pierre

Why YouTube Adopting Creative Commons Is a Big Deal

Why YouTube Adopting Creative Commons Is a Big Deal — Online Video News.

Making legal YouTube mashups just got a whole lot easier. The site’s video editor is now allowing its users to remix existing YouTube videos without violating anyone’s copyright. This is made possible by YouTube adopting Creative Commons licenses, offering users the chance to publish any video under the liberal CC-BY license. It’s a big step forward for YouTube, and a giant leap for Creative Commons, which previously hasn’t played a big role in the web video world.

Social Sharing Buttons: Too Much Or Not Enough?

News can break at a moment’s notice, and whether you have the exclusive scoop or not, chances are that readers coming to your website to read the story will want to share it with their friends and family. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other social networking services can help give your story a greater platform, especially if you use their social media buttons to facilitate sharing. But is your organization’s website overusing these widgets? Or worse, are they there for the wrong reasons?

via Social Sharing Buttons: Too Much Or Not Enough? – 10,000 Words.

Social Media in Asia [Infographic] – TNW Asia

It’s pretty evident that Facebook continues to dominate the region with a strong presence in 9 out of the 13 countries featured in the map, while in countries like China, South Korea and Taiwan, it’s dominated by a local social networking service. It can also be concluded that video viewing eats up the majority of Asia’s time online, while blogging falls a close second in most countries

via Social Media in Asia [Infographic] – TNW Asia.

New buzzword spotted : Likeonomics

5 Reasons Your Facebook Page Needs ‘Likeonomics’.

credibility now goes hand-in-hand with social relationships. People’s ability to acquire, believe in and retain new information is very much influenced by Facebook dynamics in particular, and that ought to inform any communications strategy, he says.

Here are five insights underlying Bhargava’s new buzz-phrase, likeonomics:

  1. There is a modern believability crisis.
  2. People make decisions emotionally, not logically.
  3. Stories are the most compelling form of communication.
  4. Simplicity is the foundation of all great communications.
  5. In strangers and microexpertise providers we trust.