Content Marketing Efforts Are Becoming More Focused on Lead Gen

IMN-Content-Marketing-Program-Goals-2013-v-2012-Aug2013Content marketing is gaining in awareness and importance among marketers, and roughly half have established a formal strategy, according to [download page] results from IMN’s second annual Content Marketing Survey. As more marketers develop strategies and grow their maturity levels (11% describe themselves as “experts”), their content marketing programs and measures of success appear to have gravitated towards a focus on lead generation.

via Content Marketing Efforts Are Becoming More Focused on Lead Gen.

QR Code Scanner Age and Gender Breakdowns in Q2

ScanLife is out with its latest quarterly Mobile Barcode Trend Report [pdf] in which it reports 4 million new users around the world and 6 million active scanners, impressive figures even as other research suggests that within the US the amount of scanners isn’t keeping up with the growth in smartphone penetration. Nevertheless, ScanLife’s latest study reveals some interesting demographic breakdowns of the barcode scanner.

via QR Code Scanner Age and Gender Breakdowns in Q2.

Boredom Said to Spur Video Sharing Among Smartphone Owners

Initiative-Viewing-Sharing-Smartphone-Video-to-Pass-Time-Aug2013Boredom is a motivator of smartphone use in various countries around the world, details Initiative [pdf] in a new study. The survey, undertaken across 13 markets with a range of smartphone penetration rates, finds that 34% of respondents overall watch video while passing the time, with 82% of those (28% overall) uploading or sharing video while passing the time. Propensity to engage in this behavior has almost doubled since 2010, according to the researchers.

via Boredom Said to Spur Video Sharing Among Smartphone Owners.

3 in 4 “Socially Devoted” Companies Say Social Care Drives ROI

Socialbakers-Socially-Devoted-Brands-August201376% of the world’s most “socially devoted” brands believe that social customer service is an ROI driver, and 71% believe the customer service they provide via social media is a cost-saver, per results from a Socialbakers survey. It’s not surprising that the brands that are most focused on social care would trumpet its benefits, but the study goes a little further in examining how these brands are managing their social care efforts.

via 3 in 4 “Socially Devoted” Companies Say Social Care Drives ROI.

As Data-Driven Marketing Grows in Importance, Many Tout Its Benefits

BlueKai-Data-Driven-Marketing-Budgets-Aug201391% of marketers agree that data is of primary importance for segmentation and targeting of their marketing efforts, per results from a BlueKai survey [download page] of 133 executives, most of whom are brand and agency marketers working in marketing management. With data occupying such a position of importance, 36% of respondents said they’re pushing at least 20% of their overall budgets to data-driven practices, up from 11% allocating that proportion late last year. A majority have seen a boost in conversion rates and media efficiency from their focus on data.

via As Data-Driven Marketing Grows in Importance, Many Tout Its Benefits.