Do You Share Too Much on Social Media? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Sharing is the basis of social media, and it can be a beautiful thing. Keeping up with family and friends as kids grow, relationships become marriages and adventures are had — social media can be tons of fun and helps us feel connected to one another.But when does all that sharing become too much? And when can what you share online actually become dangerous?A recent study commissioned by Intel found that 90% of American adults think people share too much, and nearly half of adults find the deluge of information to be overwhelming.The abundance of information isn’t just annoying — it can also make overeager posters targets for scams and other crimes. According to a recent Consumer Reports study — albeit one with some potential flaws — 20.4 million people among Facebook‘s North American base of approximately 190 million users reveal their full birth date online.

via Do You Share Too Much on Social Media? [INFOGRAPHIC].