Facebook’s Buggiest Page Was Created on Purpose

Lithuanian video artist Laimonas Zakas, who enjoys web production as a hobby, created a Facebook Page called Glitchr that messes with Facebook codes. The art project has garnered more than 12,657 likes so far.

Don’t be afraid to visit the harmless Facebook Page. It just takes your chat navigation line and causes it to appear in the sprawling line down your screen. Voila, art.

via Facebook’s Buggiest Page Was Created on Purpose.

Our Google+ Conundrum

But if that’s how the world of Google works now, that means it’s very important that you tend your Google+ pages, so that you rank well in Google search. Google has pretty much gamed its own search engine to insure Google+ will succeed.

This is what happens when you tell your entire staff that your salary depends on winning in social.

Now, this presents us all a conundrum. If a large percentage of people are logged into Google and/or Google+ when they are searching for stuff, that means Google+ pages are going to rank well for those people. Hence, I really have no choice but to play Google’s game, and tend to my Google+ page, be I a brand, a person, a small business…. are you getting the picture here? If you decide to NOT play on Google+, you will, in essence, be devalued in Google search, at least for the percentage of people who are logged in whilst using Google.

I dunno. This strikes me as wrong. I’ve spent nearly ten years building this site, Searchblog, and it has tens of thousands of inbound links, six thousand posts, nearly 30,000 comments, etc., etc. But if you are logged into Google+ and search for me, you’re going to get my Google+ profile first.

Seems a bit off. Seems like Google is taking the first click away from me and directing it to a Google service.

Now, if I decide to protest this, and delete my Google+ account, I better pray no one else named John Battelle creates a Google+ account, or they will rank ahead of me. And while Battelle is a pretty unique name, there are actually quite a few of us out there. Imagine if my name was John Kelly? Or Joe Smith?

Yikes. Quite a conundrum.

via Our Google+ Conundrum | John Battelle’s Search Blog.

Best Practices for Brand Building in the Social Media Marketplace – comScore, Inc

Currently, social networking accounts for 19% of time spent online globally. Four out of every five people who have access to the internet across the world use social networks in some form, many several times a day, some on multiple devices. With social networking being such a pervasive and integral part of the online experience, penetrating all aspects of consumers’ lives, it is vital for marketers to understand how their audience is reached through social networking and maximize the value of their social marketing strategies.

comScore Co-Founder and CMO Linda Abraham and Buddy Media CEO and Founder Mike Lazerow present insights on how brands can optimize their social marketing programs and evaluate their effectiveness using metrics that matter.

via Best Practices for Brand Building in the Social Media Marketplace – comScore, Inc.

SocialBro Official Blog: Real-time analytics for Twitter now in SocialBro

SocialBro now has real-time analytics for your Twitter community! You can visualize in real-time:

  • Who is currently on-line
  • The total number of followers of the on-line users
  • Number of on-line users per second
  • The top languages of these users
  • The apps and clients most used
  • How can real-time analytics be useful for you?

You can learn about the real-time state of your community at a glance, identify users who are online and interact with them.

Language chart: If you have a multi-language Twitter account, this feature helps you identify the best language to tweet in at any given time.

Apps chart: you can get an idea of ​​how active your community is in real-time. If they are mostly tweeting from apps like Foursquare or Instagram, for example, they probably are not aware of their timelines in that moment.

Monitoring list: With the lists, you can monitor a specific group of users applying the previously mentioned points.

You also can monitor a hashtag or a key word using the previous points to get an idea of how active they are.

via SocialBro Official Blog: Real-time analytics for Twitter now in SocialBro.

Google Analytics Blog: An invitation to social sites to integrate with Google Analytics

Every day, millions of people share and engage with content online. But most sharing doesn’t happen on the site where it was published, it happens throughout the social web. Marketers and publishers are looking for a comprehensive view of all interactions with their content – on and off their site – and so we’re working hard to make this happen.

To enable our customers to discover who’s sharing, voting and bookmarking their content on the social web, cross-network measurement needs to become easier. So today we’re inviting social networks and platforms to integrate their activity streams with Google Analytics. Through these integrations, marketers and publishers will be able to discover off-site engagement, optimize their engagement within each social community, and measure the impact of each social channel and its associated digital investment.

Any network can integrate their streams – like +1, votes, and comments – into the Google Analytics social reports, which will be fully available next year to the many marketers, publishers, and websites that are using Google Analytics for free.

To make integration easy for social networks and platforms we’ve created a social data hub – it’s based on widely deployed, open web standards such as ActivityStreams and PubsubHubbub. A number of partners are already working with us to improve measurement of social actions – including Delicious, Digg, Diigo, Gigya, LiveFyre, ReadItLater, Reddit, TypePad, Vkontakte, and of course, Google+, Blogger and Google Groups.

via Google Analytics Blog: An invitation to social sites to integrate with Google Analytics.

Twitter Advertising: Let your brand take flight on Twitter with enhanced profile pages

Earlier today we announced a new version of Twitter that makes it easier for users to discover what’s happening now. As part of this release, we are introducing enhanced profile pages that help marketers create an even more compelling destination on Twitter for their brands.

via Twitter Advertising: Let your brand take flight on Twitter with enhanced profile pages.

Community of Storytellers Build Online Library of Human Experience

The online project Cowbird is a place where storytellers can keep audio-visual diaries, write stories and collaborate with others in documenting “sagas” taking place in the world, like the Occupy movement. Artist and programmer Jonathan Harris’s labor of love, Cowbird aims to grow as a community and focus on long-lasting and personal storytelling.

via Community of Storytellers Build Online Library of Human Experience.

Why Recognizing Your Employees on Social Media Is Great for Business

Social media has opened countless new avenues for promotion of all kinds. As a result of blogs, Twitter, Facebook and more, it’s as if we all have access to a bullhorn, and thus, the ability to promote ourselves whenever and to whomever we choose.

Within your company, surely you’ve grappled with the use, disuse and even misuse of social media. But have you thought about using it for employee recognition? Communicate your staff appreciation by employing social media as a positive acknowledgement tool. It’s a highly visible and yet low-cost way to show your support.

Zoomerang interviewed 1,180 small to mid-sized business decision makers and 500 consumers for its study, “Marketing in a Digital World.”

via Why Recognizing Your Employees on Social Media Is Great for Business.

Branding: How It Works in the Social Media Age [INFOGRAPHIC]

Branding and social media — they seem to go together so well, yet they’re both widely misunderstood. While social media can serve as a gigantic megaphone for your brand, social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter can also give a company a golden opportunity to shoot itself in the figurative foot.

How are people using social media to interact with brands, and how are companies using the power of social media to reach more customers? Who is most receptive to brands on Twitter? How about on Facebook?

via Branding: How It Works in the Social Media Age [INFOGRAPHIC].