6 Easy Twitter Hacks for Schmoozing Journalists

Twitter is a great way to gradually get to know someone, build up trust, and possibly create a relationship where there wasn’t one before. Most of what I’m about to tell you works in creating and improving many different kinds of business relationships, but I’m going to tailor this around public relations and getting to know journalists.

Here are 6 simple steps — that anyone can follow — to build credibility and relationships with journalists using Twitter. Done right, your publicity efforts can literally become inbound: journalists coming to you for quotes, interviews, and information. Here’s how to tackle the first steps..
Read more: http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/29397/6-Easy-Twitter-Hacks-for-Schmoozing-Journalists.aspx#ixzz1iFPdoimr

via 6 Easy Twitter Hacks for Schmoozing Journalists.

Will 2012 be the year of hypermedia?

The hypermedia movement, spearheaded by people like HTML5 developer Mark Boas and the Mozilla Foundation’s Ben Moskowitz, wants to make the remix and curation of audio and video sources as easy as Carvin’s countless retweets. The end goal is that “someone with a laptop in a coffee shop can do a very compelling news report,” Moskowitz told me a few days ago during a phone call with me and Boas.

via Will 2012 be the year of hypermedia? — Tech News and Analysis.