Getting To Done: SEO Made Easy

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) should be at the top of your Web publishing priority list. If Web surfers can’t find your site, they can’t read it, use it or share it with others.

One might think SEO is an arcane science that only a few experts have mastered. There is quite a bit to it, and there are times you might want to employ an SEO firm or expert to help you optimize your site. Often this is a costly solution that’s not feasible for individuals or small businesses.

via Getting To Done: SEO Made Easy.

SEO for Non-dicks

The key thing to understand is that the rules of SEO aren’t magic or arbitrary. They’re based on the goals of a search engine, which is to find relevant results. Relevance implies genuineness, and genuineness implies trust. So, shockingly, you should try to make your site’s content trustworthy, genuine and relevant. All of the rules have come about due to their utility in detecting those three positive metrics. Good SEO is a by-product of not being a dick on the internet.

Consider a few examples of tried-and-tested “SEO tactics”, and why they actually came about.

via SEO for Non-dicks – Matt Legend Gemmell.

How Do You Detect B.S. On Social Networks?

With lots of real news spreading like wildfire over social media, it is inevitable that false news spreads over Twitter too, and it does.

The Huffington Post‘s Mandy Jenkins and Regret the Error‘s Craig Silverman held a session at the Online News Association Conference here on Friday afternoon with the goal of preventing the participants from falling into a trap. (Slides from the presentation are available here.)

Yes, this is a real picture, but no it didn’t happen during Hurricane Irene. It’s a couple of years old.

One of Jenkins and Silverman’s bigge

via How Do You Detect B.S. On Social Networks? – 10,000 Words.

The Art of Hiring Social Media Vendors

Sometimes you need to know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em.

The same goes in life and card games as it does for the vendors who are assisting in your company’s social media marketing and content development.

The prevailing sentiment is that any customer-facing social media activity should be done by the in-house marketing team.

While that is great on paper – and desirable for a lot of reasons – it’s not a very realistic world view for a large company that is just getting started in social media and online communities.

With that in mind, selecting the vendor who will be interacting with your customers, and creating content on your behalf, that your customers will be reading, becomes a very important decision.

via The Art of Hiring Social Media Vendors – 10,000 Words.

Infographic Overload?

Grace Dobush at HOW Interactive Design is on a campaign to stop the madness. In her post, Quit it With All the Infographics Already, she points out several good reasons to think before inking an infographic, including:

Most infographics aren’t accessible for the visually impaired.

Most infographics aren’t search-engine optimized.

Those super-long infographics are practically useless on a mobile device.

Of all online infographics, 89% contain statistics of dubious veracity. (Err, percentage is madeup, which is sort of her point.)

Many infographics are just plain bad.

That’s not to say there aren’t reasons to use graphics. There are plenty of awesome graphical stories on news sites and blogs today. 10,000 Words highlights them often. But just because you can, doesn’t mean you need to go graphic goofy.

via Infographic Overload? – 10,000 Words.

The 21 Greatest SEO Myths of the Modern World

hey say that ignorance is bliss and knowledge is power but somewhere between these clichés there’s a spot reserved for individuals who possess a little too much knowledge to be blissful but still only enough knowledge to be dangerous.

SEO, as an industry, is known unfortunately for the mass of rumours, myths, mistruths and unscrupulous gurus. This in part stems from the search engines’ unwillingness to discuss their algorithms (this lack of disclosure is completely understandable). This breeds a culture of myths where newbies and veterans alike get caught out by nothing more than hearsay that gains traction.

The aim of this post is to try and dispel some of the more widely held SEO myths

via The 21 Greatest SEO Myths of the Modern World.