More than half of US adult consumers across age groups still favor the TV as their preferred source of news, according to a June 2013 Gallup poll.
Mobile Messaging Tactics Must Keep Channel and Audience in Mind – eMarketer
According to a new eMarketer report, “Mobile Messaging Trends: Tapping into SMS, Mobile Email and Push Notifications,” marketers are treading carefully to only send mobile notices that are personally or contextually relevant. This is especially true of marketers leveraging channels that deliver content directly to the home screen and require users to opt in, namely SMS, MMS and push notifications.
via Mobile Messaging Tactics Must Keep Channel and Audience in Mind – eMarketer.
Smartphone Addiction: 7 in 10 Adults Keep Them Close Most of the Time
Jumio-US-Smartphone-Addiction-July2013American adults who own smartphones just can’t seem to separate themselves from their devices, according to an online survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Jumio. Results indicate that 72% of smartphone owners are within 5 feet of their devices the majority of the time, another data point to add to a growing list that includes 3 in 4 young smartphone owners checking their devices as soon as they wake up and 40% checking them every 10 minutes.
via Smartphone Addiction: 7 in 10 Adults Keep Them Close Most of the Time.
Customer Loss Second Biggest Biz Concern for C-Suite
Lloyds-Biggest-Biz-Risks-in-2013-July2013Lloyd’s has released its third biennial Risk Index [pdf], based on a survey of 588 C-suite and board level executives around the world that asked them to score their attitudes to 50 different business risks across 5 categories, in terms of the priority they place on each risk and how prepared they are to meet it. The survey shows that loss of customers comes in as the second-most prioritized risk (with an average priority score of 6.1 on a 10-point scale, where 10 indicates the highest priority), closely behind high taxation (6.2).
What Women Want…. When Choosing Brands
Ipsos-Most-Important-Factors-When-Choosing-Brands-July2013Ipsos MediaCT has released the results [download page] of the 5th wave of its “Women, Power & Money” study, co-developed with FleishmanHillard and Hearst Magazines. As part of the study, the researchers look at the factors – aside from price – that are important to American women when choosing brands, noting that only about one-third of women agree that “all brands are pretty much the same,” compared to 37% of men. So what factors top the list when excluding price from the equation?
Data Dive: How Much More Are Advertisers Spending Today to Reach Online Americans?
MarketingCharts-Online-Ad-Spend-Per-User-2000-2012Online ad spending in the US is growing more rapidly than any other advertising medium, is reaching new heights seemingly with every passing quarter, and has been projected to see double-digit growth again this year. In fact, the IAB estimates that online ad spending has grown at a compound annual rate of about 20% over the past 10 years. But to what extent is this meteoric rise simply a result of marketers chasing a growing online population? Removing inflation from the equation, is each individual internet user worth more to advertisers today than a decade ago? This article pulls together data from various sources to measure the real growth in spending per online user from 2000 through 2012.
via Data Dive: How Much More Are Advertisers Spending Today to Reach Online Americans?.
1 in 2 Social Network Users Say They’re Considering Taking A Break
MyLife-Social-Networking-Overload-July2013Pew made some noise earlier this year with a study finding that 61% of current Facebook users had at some point taken a break from the site for a few weeks or more. (Perhaps more importantly, they came back.) Now MyLife is jumping into the mix with survey results suggesting that 52% of social network users have either taken or considered taking a “vacation” from one or more social networks in the past year, and 24% plan to stop using or take a break from one this year.
via 1 in 2 Social Network Users Say They’re Considering Taking A Break.
Smartphone Addiction: 7 in 10 Adults Keep Them Close Most of the Time
Jumio-US-Smartphone-Addiction-July2013American adults who own smartphones just can’t seem to separate themselves from their devices, according to an online survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Jumio. Results indicate that 72% of smartphone owners are within 5 feet of their devices the majority of the time, another data point to add to a growing list that includes 3 in 4 young smartphone owners checking their devices as soon as they wake up and 40% checking them every 10 minutes.
via Smartphone Addiction: 7 in 10 Adults Keep Them Close Most of the Time.
Why you need repetition in your content strategy –
By “repeating” I’m not referring to verbatim repetition. You don’t want duplicate content issues on blogs or web pages (think of the subsequent SEO penalties). You don’t want to tweet the same tweet, or post the same update multiple times to a Facebook newsfeed.
via Why you need repetition in your content strategy –
The Problem With Medium — Writers on Writing — Medium
There’s a lot of buzz around Medium right now. It’s shiny and incredibly easy to use! Great sharing features mean increased social media buzz! Founded by some of the guys who made Twitter so of course it’ll be awesome! And there are curated posts, so if you write something really fantastic, you’ll get tons of exposure.