All posts by Pierre

APCO Worldwide :: Internal Social Media

The use of internal social media within organizations is significantly increasing as C-level executives are recognizing the power internal social media can bring to their bottom line.

To better understand the value of social media in the workplace, APCO Worldwide and Gagen MacDonald recently surveyed 1,000 U.S. employees, and built a model that quantifies the factors that characterize effective programs and the impact those programs have on the bottom line.

Some significant findings include:

58% of employees would rather work at a company that uses ISM effectively, and 86% would refer others for employment

60% of employees say use of internal social media demonstrates innovation

61% of employees say their companies’ social media tools help them collaborate

39% of employees are more likely to recommend their company’s products and services

60% of employees are more likely to support their company when in crisis, and 67% are more likely to support the company’s public policy priorities

via APCO Worldwide :: Internal Social Media.

The US Has The Most Twitter Users, But The Netherlands Is More Active

It stands to reason that the United States, the birth-country of Twitter, would be the number one in terms of users. And it is. By far. But new stats have been unveiled that suggest that numbers don’t mean everything, and that the US is actually behind the Netherlands (and two other countries) in terms of how often they tweet.

Semiocast examined the geolocation data built into Twitter accounts (including time zones, language, GPS coordinates and declared location), and determined how many users various countries currently boast, and how active these users are on the network.

via The US Has The Most Twitter Users, But The Netherlands Is More Active [STATS] – AllTwitter.

7 things PR pros should know about the shifting media landscape

Vocus became a Twitter trending topic Wednesday afternoon, thanks to its State of the Media report and webinar.

(You can download the report here.)

The report paints a media landscape that continues to struggle but is using the Web—and especially social media—to evolve.

Although fewer newspapers shut down in 2011, they continue to shutter bureaus throughout the world and launch fewer titles, according to the report. Papers also continue to cut staff.

via 7 things PR pros should know about the shifting media landscape | Articles.

Pinterest Becomes Top Traffic Driver for Retailers

Pinterest, a two-year-old social bookmarking site that lets users collect and share things they like on the web, is driving increasingly significant amounts of traffic to retailers’ websites.The service enables users to create online bulletin boards, or “pinboards,” for popular categories such as home decor, food and wedding inspiration. Members can use Pinterest’s “Pin It” bookmarklet tool and iPhone app to save things they see online and offline, and explore and repin the images their friends collect via their personal newsfeeds. The website is especially popular among women, who account for 58% of Pinterest’s traffic, according to Experian Hitwise.

via Pinterest Becomes Top Traffic Driver for Retailers [INFOGRAPHIC].

Want to Print Facebook? Better Get 11.5 Billion Sheets of Paper

Printing a year’s worth of Facebook statuses would be equivalent to printing more than 500 million Oxford English Dictionaries, a new survey found.

Sure, it would be a waste of paper, but a UK online cartridge retailer thought it would be interesting to find out how much paper would be needed to print a year’s worth of Facebook statuses if the website’s 800 million users updated once per day. The answer — 11.5 billion sheets.

Of course, there are a few stipulations for cramming the statuses onto paper — each of the estimated 292 billion status updates would be an average of two lines, which is equivalent to 584 billion total lines; the statuses would be printed on 8.3-by-11.7 inch paper in size 11 point Arial font.

via Want to Print Facebook? Better Get 11.5 Billion Sheets of Paper [INFOGRAPHIC].

5 Lessons from Coca Cola’s New Content Marketing Strategy

Creative excellence has always been at the heart of Coca Cola’s advertising and they have decided that content is now the key to marketing in the 21st century on a social web.

Content for Coca Cola is is now the “Matter” and “Substance” of “Brand Engagement”

So what can we learn from Coca Cola’s new marketing strategy?

via 5 Lessons from Coca Cola’s New Content Marketing Strategy | Jeffbullas’s Blog.

Benchmarking Your Social Performance

You’ve spent all year writing and sharing great content. And from time to time, you check to see how your posts perform. But when you look at that report—whether it’s in, Google Analytics, or your social media management tool of choice—how do you interpret it? Is 100 clicks good? Is 1,000 clicks good?If you don’t frame your performance correctly, your boss won’t recognize your impact. If you want to demonstrate success, you need to go further than simply reporting on the raw traffic you drove.Fortunately, demonstrating your success can be easy. Just follow these three steps: Measure the right stuff Know how you stand up to your peers Choose outliers to tell a story

via Benchmarking Your Social Performance | Social Media Explorer.