All posts by Pierre

Is Google+ the No. 3 Social Network? Depends How You Measure It

The company’s post claims that “more than 170 million people have upgraded to Google+,” a figure that almost doubles the figure that Google threw out for Google+ in January. Assuming the self-reported figure is true, that means that G+ is now the third-largest U.S.-based social network in the world.To be sure, G+ is still miles behind Facebook’s 850 million users and Twitter’s 500 million, but it appears to be comfortably ahead of LinkedIn’s 150 million, though LinkedIn’s figures are from February and have likely increased since then. A LinkedIn rep declined comment on the company’s current user base size.So, does that mean that Google+ is now the number three social network?

via Is Google+ the No. 3 Social Network? Depends How You Measure It.

Microblog Penetration in France Low, but Growing as Election Nears – eMarketer

According to the February 2012 UM formerly Universal McCann report, “The Business of Social: Social Media Tracker 2012,” frequent internet users in the EU-5 have been steadily increasing their usage of microblogs, though compared to some Asian countries, like Japan, penetration remains low.Microblogs had the furthest reach in the UK in 2011, at 26.8%. Spain, despite jumping off to a strong start in 2009, was second at 24.8%. The remainder of the EU-5—Italy, Germany and France—had noticeably lower microblog user penetration.

via Microblog Penetration in France Low, but Growing as Election Nears – eMarketer.

How much is a tweet worth? About 1/10,000 as much as a Yelp review | VentureBeat

Just how much value do you represent to these companies? Backupify, a cloud data backup service, decided to do some quick math. The infographic below gives you a glimpse. Dividing the estimated valuation of the company by the number of users tells you, roughly, how much value each user contributes to the company’s value.

via How much is a tweet worth? About 1/10,000 as much as a Yelp review | VentureBeat.

Video School / Lessons / Mobile Video Tips and Techniques on Vimeo

Over the last few years, the cameras in mobile devices have advanced to the point of being able to capture clear, crisp videos that go beyond just documenting what’s in front of the lens. But technology alone doesn’t guarantee that you’ll create awesome videos on the go — that’s where we come in. We put together some simple tips and techniques to help you make your mobile vids more magnificent. For now though, enough words! Let’s watch as Andrea talks Derek through the essentials of mobile video shooting:

via Video School / Lessons / Mobile Video Tips and Techniques on Vimeo.

Eye Movement Study Reveals Six Must-Know Things About Facebook Brand Pages

The Facebook Timeline that brand pages were forced to switch over to last week is “flawed,” according to an eye movement study of six brand pages by SimpleUsability, with many of the new features going unnoticed or being misunderstood.

“The average user doesn’t fully understand the new layout, or interact with it in the way intended,” said Guy Redwood, managing director of SimpleUsability. “This will likely change over time, but as the mechanics of obtaining ‘Like

via Eye Movement Study Reveals Six Must-Know Things About Facebook Brand Pages.

10 Reasons Why We Love Making Lists : NPR

10. Lists can keep us from procrastinating. We put this one off until the end. Making a list enables us to get our heads around really big tasks — and helps us tackle the work one aspect at a time. But a list is only useful if it reveals a truth, solves a problem or leads to action. Making a list, for instance, does not necessarily help procrastinators. As DePaul University psychologist Joseph Ferrari told Psychology Today in 2008, people don’t put off work they must do because they lack list-making skills. And, in turn, making a list does not get the job done.

via 10 Reasons Why We Love Making Lists : NPR.

The Benefits and Pitfalls of Gamification | Webdesigntuts+

Gamification is becoming a hot commodity around the web, but what is it? Is it being used correctly? Let’s have a look at various aspects of gamification and how they can be used and misused.

Gamification is one of those buzz words you’ve probably heard if you’re involved in the internet industry. You’ve probably run across it at some point (perhaps even on Envato sites!) In the same way that personification is the act of attributing characteristics of a person onto another object, gamification is the process of implementing game mechanics into a non-game activity or entity. The purpose is to increase engagement and investment of a user base.

via The Benefits and Pitfalls of Gamification | Webdesigntuts+.

Capturing The Value Of Social Media Using Google Analytics – Analytics Blog

Measuring the value of social media has been a challenge for marketers. And with good reason: it’s hard to understand exactly what is happening in an environment where activity occurs both on and off your website. Since social media is often an upper funnel player in a shopper’s journey, it’s not always easy to determine which social channels actually drive value for your business and which tactics are most effective.

But as the social industry matures, marketers and web analysts need true outcome-oriented reports. After all, although social is growing in popularity, brand websites – not social networks – remain the place where people most often purchase or convert.

via Capturing The Value Of Social Media Using Google Analytics – Analytics Blog.