All posts by Pierre

Seth’s Blog: The difficult challenge of media alignment

Viewers are not the customer of the TV networks—advertisers are.

For a long time, those two groups had similar goals, though. Advertisers wanted lots of viewers and viewers wanted shows that lots of them wanted to watch. So the TV networks used ratings as a proxy for advertiser happiness and there wasn’t much of a problem.

The same thing was true for newspapers. More local readers meant local advertisers were happy.

via Seth’s Blog: The difficult challenge of media alignment.

Content: A Blessing, A Bubble, A Burden | Smashing Magazine

Everyone is talking about content. Googling the phrase “content strategy” retrieves almost 50 million results — a clear indicator that interest in content is very much in the zeitgeist. By the time you read this, I expect that number will have grown even higher.

But I also suspect that the substance of the talk would be quite different if content were truly respected. I believe this because the way we talk about content is beginning to sound a lot like the way we talk about money.

via Content: A Blessing, A Bubble, A Burden | Smashing Magazine.

Interaction Design for Data Visualizations | Blog

Interactive data visualizations are an exciting way to engage and inform large audiences. They enable users to focus on interesting parts and details, to customize the content and even the graphical form, and to explore large amounts of data. At their best, they facilitate a playful experience that is way more engaging than static infographics or videos.Here are several ideas and concepts of interaction design for data visualizations, using 11 examples from the web.

via Interaction Design for Data Visualizations | Blog.

Product Videos Nudge Apparel Shoppers Toward Register – eMarketer

Video ads encourage purchase decisions more than radio, TV or print

The effect of online video on the purchase cycle appears to be strengthening, particularly in the apparel sector. According to a study conducted by Google and Compete, four in 10 online shoppers visited a store or retailer website as a result of watching apparel videos online.

via Product Videos Nudge Apparel Shoppers Toward Register – eMarketer.

From fanzine to HBO: How Vice became a video success story | Media news |

Last year the total revenue was more than $110 million and Vice is “on track in 2012 to generate significantly more”, Dan’l Hewitt, general manager of AdVice, a division of Vice Media, told

As Vice moved online its focus evolved into online video, which has been driven by developments in technology. “The cost of video equipment and editing software came down, so we were able to create more video content for ourselves,” Hewitt said.

“That started around five or six years ago and then with new platforms coming into the fold, places like YouTube and Vimeo and Facebook, we were able to syndicate and distribute our content to new audiences in those places.”

via From fanzine to HBO: How Vice became a video success story | Media news |

3 Reasons Your Company Should Be Using YouTube For Recruitment [Infographic] – SocialTimes

YouTube is the third most trafficked website in the world, after Google and Facebook, and if your company isn’t using the online video site as part of your social recruitment efforts you’ll want to start after checking out this infographic from HireRabbit.

The HireRabbit infographic, YouTube Recruiting, takes a look at why making YouTube a part of your hiring efforts is important. We’ve gleaned a few enticing points from the infographic, which you can read on to learn more about before checking out the full infographic below.

via 3 Reasons Your Company Should Be Using YouTube For Recruitment [Infographic] – SocialTimes.

SEOs will slaughter careless PR agencies | Econsultancy

Talking to PR agencies about search engine optimisation (SEO) can make you feel like Noah before the flood.

Building on the recent debate around PR owning SEO, I look at how agencies who fail to embrace search will ultimately fail.

Cast your mind back to 2007-8 and the buzzwords in PR and marketing then around social media. Agencies scrambled to recruit what some mistakenly called a ‘guru’ (often a fresh graduate) who understood the platforms, if perhaps not the principles and nuances of marketing.

Since then, savvy and ambitious PR agencies realised they needed proven digital expertise and either bought in talent or skilled up their own executives on the ways of social media. Social media is now a healthy component of UK PR practice and providing high levels of fee income for PR agencies.

via SEOs will slaughter careless PR agencies | Econsultancy.

Marketers in South Korea Bulk Up Social Media Budgets – eMarketer

Facebook and Twitter were favorite choices for organizations looking to connect with customers

South Korea’s population has shown a growing affinity for social networks and the use of those networks is likely to rise along with the country’s skyrocketing mobile web usage. It’s no surprise then that an embrace of social media is also being seen among the various organization types in the country, according to an April 2012 survey of social media marketers at businesses, public institutions and nonprofits conducted by the PR consultancy firm KPR & Associates. In fact, more than half of organizations surveyed who were using social media had increased their marketing budgets for those channels in 2012, while only 5% had reduced them, KPR found.

via Marketers in South Korea Bulk Up Social Media Budgets – eMarketer.