All posts by Pierre

So, you want to design an infographic ?

So you definitely think that infographic are the über cool things to deal with at the moment, you have plenty of data, a great idea in mind but wonder are the tools around ?

Of course, you can start with this outstanding blog post :

Interested to go further / give a try by yourself?
Here is some tools to start with playing data for you, courtesy of Google and IBM. You can also have a look at the work of Neoformix and also the famous Gapminder.

Any suggestion to share? Help yourself on the comment section hereunder :)

Hereunder, a bunch of really cool tool to play with data and – why not – start your own infographics.

10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics.

Otherwise, keep in mind that our good friend at Beyond are really good at designing great infographics … don’t hesitate to contact them !

Good to know – Facebook ‘Delete’ Can Take 16 Embarrassing Months

Good to know if a client ask us someday the question …

Facebook allows you to click “delete” on any humiliating picture in your profile. But don’t be fooled: A photo you think is gone can linger on Facebook’s servers for nearly a year and a half.

Jacqui Cheng of Ars Technica offers definitive proof: A Facebook picture she “deleted” in May 2009 (below right) and wrote an article about in July 2009 was still on Facebook’s servers today, more than 16 months later. The social network removed the links to the picture right away, but never got around to removing the actual image file, meaning anyone who had or could obtain an URL to the image could get it from Facebook.


[RSS tricks] Convert Any Partial RSS Feed to a Full Feed

RSS is just awesome. Except when it’s truncated. Sometimes web publishers provide excerpt-only versions of their RSS feeds rather than offering the full text via RSS—requiring readers to visit the site for the full story. Webapp WizardRSS converts any partial RSS feeds to a full feed. Handy to use it with a truncated feed before imported it on your favorite reader

via WizardRSS Converts Any Partial RSS Feed to a Full Feed.

How To Make YouTube Videos That Don’t Suck

Here is a nice article about how to make cool enough video (at least not the kind of video you’ll be ashamed of in a few months). The first part isn’t that great, but the second part has some handy convenient tips to avoid screwing up your youtube video 🙂

If you can do the two things mentioned above, you should be fine. However, a bit of technical knowledge can go a long way to help you in your video authoring efforts. Here are a few things you can improve to inflate your view count a bit.

Use Proper Equipment

When shooting videos, it helps if you have the right equipment. Out of all the things you can have, the 3 most important ones are below.

Video Camera

how to make youtube videos

We’re making videos, so having a good video camera kind of makes sense. You don’t want to make your YouTube video with your laptop’s webcam because chances are your videos will be choppy and low quality.

Digital cameras and smart phones now have pretty decent cameras on them for video, but if you’re looking for a cheap alternative to an expensive handycam I would recommend looking into a flip cam. It doesn’t cost much to shoot HD video nowadays.


make youtube videos

Having good lighting often goes overlooked in the online video world. You don’t have to go crazy with your lighting situation, but put some time into making it better, especially if you’ll be shooting your videos indoors.

Placement is also key when considering lighting, because you don’t want to create distracting shadows for your viewers.


how to make youtube videos

If you’re going to be speaking in your videos, you might want to invest in a microphone. A lot of the microphones on cameras are pretty low quality, and you don’t want anything impeding your progress in regard to getting your message across to your viewers.

Get Better At Editing

If you don’t want to waste your time with expensive video editing software, you should at least familiarize yourself with YouTube’s video editor during the upload process.

Matt recently wrote a nice article on How to Use the New YouTube Video Editor back in July.

Work On Your Headlines

When it finally comes time to post your video, make sure you have a good headline. This step is very underrated. No one will watch – or be able to find – your video if it has a bad title.

You can search for headline writing tips on Google, but with YouTube I would make sure your headline properly conveys what your video is about. Think about the top keywords you would use to describe your video to someone and make sure you put those words in your headline.

How To Make YouTube Videos That Don’t Suck.

Kinetic typography is cool for storytelling – get the tutorials

You have seen this all around the web, but kinetic typographic mixes text, speeches, graphical layout in a video format, visualization for some infographics awesomeness. If you have some time and after effects somewhere in your computer, here is cool list of tutorials to create these. Help yourself.

Kinetic typography as a storytelling technique :: 10,000 Words :: where journalism and technology meet.