All posts by Pierre

How Cisco Does Social Media

Cool article / video about Cisco doing social media forwarded by Rishi from India.

Thanks a lot Rishi 🙂

The latest in our Social Media Masters series is up today. This time we took a different tack. Rather than checking in with an entrepreneur or startup in social media, we Skyped a big corporate user of these tools:  John Earnhardt of Cisco, the somewhat large technology company with the Ellen Page ads. Earnhardt is a veteran PR and communications guy who jumped into the social ocean without floaties. On top of overseeing Cisco’s news site and corporate blog, he manages its official presence on Facebook, Twitter, Ustream and Flickr. Find out what John Chambers’ “blogger-in-chief” and “tweeter-in-chief” has to say about measuring success, connecting with the audience and figuring out where to go next. Pardon the poor image quality on John’s end. He hastens to add that it was NOT recorded using Cisco technology.

How Cisco Does Social Media

Cool article / video about Cisco doing social media forwarded by Rishi from India.

Thanks a lot Rishi 🙂

The latest in our Social Media Masters series is up today. This time we took a different tack. Rather than checking in with an entrepreneur or startup in social media, we Skyped a big corporate user of these tools:  John Earnhardt of Cisco, the somewhat large technology company with the Ellen Page ads. Earnhardt is a veteran PR and communications guy who jumped into the social ocean without floaties. On top of overseeing Cisco’s news site and corporate blog, he manages its official presence on Facebook, Twitter, Ustream and Flickr. Find out what John Chambers’ “blogger-in-chief” and “tweeter-in-chief” has to say about measuring success, connecting with the audience and figuring out where to go next. Pardon the poor image quality on John’s end. He hastens to add that it was NOT recorded using Cisco technology.

Podcast is in the air

Ok,I know Podcast isn’t that fancy anymore … except if you’re ĂĽbercool. Let’s say that someday, you might have to deal with a podcast. Here is a bunch of interesting recommandations to start with 🙂

The accessibility of video is a big reason why Internet talk shows are trending. Though talk shows hail from the muscle-car-and-milkshake days of the 1950s, our modern explosion of computer and Internet technology hasn’t rendered them old-fashioned. In fact, 2010’s man-of-the-Internet himself is a talk show host. (We’re with you, Coco!).

via HOW TO: Start Your Own Internet Talk Show.

HOW TO: Calculate the ROI of Your Social Media Campaign

OK, here is my personnal opinion about ROI calculation for Social Media campaign at the moment. It’s bullshit.

Since there is no industry standard, since nobody is able to clearly draw real and quatitative financial benefits from action about brand images and influence, it’s just useless. Yet, this is a question that keep asking our clients at the moment, and no doubt that we’ll have to deal with it pretty soon. The people of mashable have been discussing their own version. Seems like a good starting point if you have to go into that kind of conversations. Enjoy the ride.

First the bad news: If you’re going to calculate the ROI of your social media campaign, you’re going to have to know math. That may come as a disappointment to people who thought social media was only about accumulating Twitter followers or monitoring Facebook “Likes,” but it’s true. The future of social media is about math, metrics and monetization.

via HOW TO: Calculate the ROI of Your Social Media Campaign.

3 Tips With Facebook Likes and Shares

Do you like ? Do you share ? Both ?

Interesting insights and tips from the good people of mashable about how to deal and maximize the use of a like and a share button. Things to keep in mind for recommendations 🙂

When it comes to Facebook (Facebook), if you’re uncertain where and when to place a “Like” button on your site and when to use “Share,” you’re not alone. Social sharing technologies have evolved significantly in the past several months, but it’s not as complicated as it may seem. Used in concert, “Like” and “Share” are some of the best tools around for driving referral traffic from social networks, opening new communication channels with customers and prospects, and building relationships with your best advocates.

via 3 Tips for Maximizing Engagement With Facebook Likes and Shares.