SocialBro now has real-time analytics for your Twitter community! You can visualize in real-time:
- Who is currently on-line
- The total number of followers of the on-line users
- Number of on-line users per second
- The top languages of these users
- The apps and clients most used
- How can real-time analytics be useful for you?
You can learn about the real-time state of your community at a glance, identify users who are online and interact with them.
Language chart: If you have a multi-language Twitter account, this feature helps you identify the best language to tweet in at any given time.
Apps chart: you can get an idea of how active your community is in real-time. If they are mostly tweeting from apps like Foursquare or Instagram, for example, they probably are not aware of their timelines in that moment.
Monitoring list: With the lists, you can monitor a specific group of users applying the previously mentioned points.
You also can monitor a hashtag or a key word using the previous points to get an idea of how active they are.
via SocialBro Official Blog: Real-time analytics for Twitter now in SocialBro.