It’s been (already) a year since we launched the new version of the disruptionblog on a new plateform with new functionnalities and more contributions. We’d really like to have your feedback about this plateform – is it just a toy, or something that has become important for the vision of our business ? Do you read it often ? Do you contribute to it ? It’s your chance to express yourself, and to win a fantastic and ultra cool Firefox collector TShirt for the 5 years of the browser that will make all your (geeky) colleague jealous. Just leave us your email address on the survey, and we will pick a name randomly among all the participant early january.
The survey is open until january 5th.
A few stats to share :
- 641 posts
- 33241 visits (for a blog with a password, it’s quite an achievement)
- 192 subscribers
- 37 wordpress plugins
- 5 aspirin tabs (for the migration and set up everything)